Fast-track Financial Consolidation and Reporting
Preparing accurate consolidated financial statements for a group of companies is typically complex, time-consuming and resource-intensive. Corporate Planner Consolidation systemises and automates this process bringing large savings in time and resources, increasing accuracy and many other benefits.
Corporate Planner Consolidation provides clear set-up dialogue boxes so that company structures, elimination rules etc are easily defined. Many of the eliminations can be processed automatically.

- Collect financial data from pre systems
- Consolidation settings

- Map to group accounts
- Unify currencies

- Automatic eliminations
- Manual Journal Entries

- Management reporting
- Statutory reporting
- Segment reporting
Financial consolidation is complex and time-consuming, even with simple group structures. Where the structures are more complex, and changing, or involve sub-consolidations, multiple currencies and significant inter-company trading, the task becomes highly specialised, slow and expensive.
Corporate Planner Consolidation
Corporate Planner Consolidation, is certified to audit standards, and solves all of these problems with its powerful process-driven consolidation logic to guide the user, automation and reporting capability. Built-in business logic automatically checks the validity of inputs and generates the lists of consolidation postings. An audit trail logs all the parameters of relevance to the group, thereby providing additional reliability.
The performance improvements that Corporate Planner Consolidation delivers means that consolidation need not be a ‘once in a year process’, but instead driven by business need, for example monthly, or (with integration with the Corporate Planner Finance module) based on budget, re-forecasts, and corporate scenarios such as potential group structure changes, acquisitions or disposals.

Benefits Of Corporate Planner Consolidation
Workflow guided process removes complexity and ensures audit-ready consolidation.
Cuts greatly the time and resource required for consolidation, resulting in fast-close, and ‘information delivered on demand’, eg monthly consolidation.
Workflow and version control to give confidence in the process and the results.
Parallel accounting according to local GAAP and IAS/IFRS.
Streamlined data transfer with drill down from all common finance, ERP systems for speed and integrity.
Seamless connection to financial planning, enabling consolidations against the budget, forecast, and scenarios (eg planned corporate restructuring) to be produced.
Certified according to recognised audit standards.
Fast Close, Information on Demand and Increased Stakeholder Confidence
Corporate Planner Consolidation enables you to increase internal and external stakeholder confidence in your business. The workflow-guided process, connections to financial source data, pre-built statutory reports, and ease of adjusting corporate structure, deliver fast-close and put you in a position to deliver information on demand and to respond quickly to new situations. With Corporate Planner Consolidation consolidation, you can produce your financial statements quickly and to a high standard of quality. Certified to recognised audit standards Corporate Planner Consolidation enables you to report to multiple internal and external reporting standards.
In-Built Professional Reporting
Corporate Planner Consolidation comes complete with a full range of statutory reports automatically built according to your corporate structure and reporting standards. These include segment and region reporting. The reports automatically adjust with your corporate structure. User defined reports can also be added.
Auditable Consolidated Financial Statements
Certified to audit standards Corporate Planner Consolidation gets your documents ready for audit quickly. Corporate Planner Consolidation is a ‘true business application’ built on business expertise, with which you generate your lists of postings automatically. It offers automatic eliminations, manual journal entries, easy addition of account codes and corporate structure changes, data import directly from ERP systems, multiple accounting formats, consolidation of actual, budget, forecasts, and scenarios, and much more!
Financial Planning Integration
In any organisation, the detailed integrated planning of P&L, balance sheet and cash flow reporting and planning is one of the most important administration tasks. With Corporate Planner Consolidation, you can add the fully integrated Corporate Planner Finance module and extend your statutory consolidation solution to include the detailed planning of P&L, balance sheet and cash flow of each of your companies. Both solutions are fully integrated.

Seamlessly Connected To Your System
Our Corporate Planner solutions not only allow you to report, model and plan every financial aspect of your business, they can also connect to any of your pre-systems – ERP systems, software for financial and cost accounting, and the payroll processing software used in human resource management, for instance. These reliable connections enable automated data transfer and provide drill-down to transactions and vouchers.
Book a FREE Demo of Our Software
If you're looking for a budgeting, planning, forecasting, and reporting process book your demo with us today!
Corporate Planner Consolidation brochure
With Corporate Planner Consolidation, you keep track of all your subsidiaries and produce your consolidated financial statements in a systematic, transparent and auditable procedure. You reduce manual work, save time, enable fast-close, and deliver more value to stakeholders
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