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Why To Invest In Financial Planning & Analysis Software

Written by Account Ability | Oct 28, 2022 1:40:00 PM

It’s difficult to switch on your computer at the moment without running into new stories of financial
chaos and gloomy predictions for the coming 12 months. It’s clear that the current environment for
doing business is challenging in many ways, and it’s sensible to expect a period of uncertainty.

Quite how ‘stormy’ this will be in terms of interest rates, resource constraints, taxation, demand
levels, and political instability is unclear – but it’s important to remember that economic uncertainty is nothing new, and always passes. Despite the strain faced by all companies, businesses that can read the ‘signs of the times’ and use objective data to implement good business decisions have a better chance of navigating uncertainty, and even to thrive and grow in difficult times.

Good Business Planning Has Never Been More Important

Many businesses put planning on hold during uncertain times, scaling back product launches and
growth plans, and cancelling investments. This wait and see approach is understandable but is not always the most effective strategy during a downturn. When environmental conditions are uncertain – and especially where there are serious risks to navigate – good business planning and forecasting becomes vital.

The key to good business planning in difficult times is to recognise that planning and forecasting
itself is a more uncertain business, requiring greater flexibility and more variables. A good integrated financial planning and forecasting platform will help you evaluate different scenarios and stress-test the business in a safe, virtual environment using real-world data. This will not only help you manage and mitigate operational risk, but can also identify lucrative opportunities for growth and for developing contingency plans.

Good Planning Begins With A Good Planning Tool

Tough times can require tough decisions, but to make and implement these decisions at the right
time and in the right way, a better planning strategy is required that recognises the changed
business environment. This is why, even if previously you’ve rested on spreadsheets or reports
generated by your accounts software to create financial plans and forecasts, this may not be
adequate in difficult times for you to make the most astute decisions.

To create viable budgets and business plans with a high level of inbuilt uncertainty, you will benefit from a good, purpose-designed planning tool.

Could your business benefit from investing in financial planning and analysis software

Investing in new software and processes should be a careful decision if a business is facing budgetary pressures or stress factors. However, indicators that your business may benefit from investing in such a software application – e.g. Corporate Planner – include:

  •  The planning process is inefficient, or it takes too long to access the data required to make     effective decisions.
  •  Financial planning and forecasting is resource-intense and requires too much manual   intervention.
  •  It is difficult to define or share a ‘single version of truth’ on which to reach collaborative decisions.
  • Creating multiple scenarios and re-forecasts is difficult due to the time required to do this   manually.
  •  You do not have a single, integrated, dynamic model of all your key business metrics –   instead relying on data stored in silos and isolated applications.

The solution is a dedicated planning, forecasting, and reporting tool, that is a ‘true business
application’, and not an assembly of complex spreadsheets or in-house applications. This can save valuable time and money by shortening the planning process itself and can also unlock the value of greater financial visibility and responsiveness, giving your business increased resilience.

Unlock The Potential Of Corporate Planner

Account Ability are the Gold Partner Corporate Planner people, helping UK businesses leverage the potential of the world’s leading integrated financial planning application. Corporate Planner is an award-winning software platform, trusted by over 4000 businesses around the world to deliver more efficient planning and budgeting outcomes, and more insightful business intelligence.

To find out more about Corporate Planner as a managed service through Account Ability, please call one of our experienced team today on 01242 578966.

Image Source: Unsplash